ADVANC collab with Singtel and 34 members of leading mobile alliance, Bridge Alliance, to provide GPU-asa-Service offers a convenient way to access high performance computing resources for machine learning & data-intensive applications, allows users to leverage advanced computational capabilities w/o the need for expensive hardware or complex infra mgt. BA keeps 4.5m FY passenger target, […]

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And Thai politicis continues its headless chicken routine. Nevertheless, my framework remains that government spending is going to be 1.5x higher than what we’ve seen in the past 12 months and the only question is how quickly will the economy recover.

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Week 19/08 – 23/08 Company –,,,,,, BSR VN: submitted an application to list 3.1 bn BSR shares on HOSE on August 21st, corresponding to a charter capital of more than VND31,004 bn. DIG VN: signed a credit contract with BID with a total limit of VND1,500 bn to […]

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BAY’s card unit, Krungsri Consumer, keeps FY card spending target at Bt393b, +8% yoy, new loan at Bt100b, +9% yoy, Bt151b outstanding loan book at end of year. Comment: And you think there’s not enough demand for loans.. PRM sees demand for floating storage unit accelerate in 3Q, target FY utilization rate within 85-90% range, […]

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AWC’s urging government to provide incentives for overseas companies to setup their regional HQs in TH, said international tenants at its office towers account for 70%, yet there’s still room to grow. AWC currently is not interested in the proposed legal casinos or entertainment complexes. Comment: Why? Thai Beverage already has this and pay effectively […]

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