Management Trades 01/03 – 05/03
Notable Transactions
Buy(s) THB 714 mn
- JMART – We were surprised to see this massive buying back by the founder, but also quite happy about it too :p
- EA – A switch between personal and corporate holdings
- MPG – Looks like a back door is happening here.
- BEM – A director buys a share amount of shares
- SF – A rare buy in this name. This was done by the Chairman
Sell(s) THB 827 mn
- MINT – He’s been dumping shares since the wuflu started.
- EA – See above.
- SIMAT – He’s dumped his entire shareholder ~ 5%
- KEX – Director gets rid of a fair amount of shares
- BANPU – This family isn’t even the largest shareholder anymore, have a look at the list, doesn’t matter what he does.
- STA – Their hemp plan is not as lucrative as initially led to believe.
- TASCO – High oil prices are going to kill their margins.
- BEM – Ahh, a gift from the owner to the Chairman perhaps?