Market Update 03/02
Up and until the latest flu virus hit I was of the viewpoint that
- 2020 would see a recovery in YoY economic #’s
- Tourism figures would continue to improve
- Banking would still be weak due to the industry’s structural changes
- The THB/USD would be slightly weaker but not by more than -1% or so
- Property would stabilise
- Commodities would begin a start of a long term bull run
- This government would see continued pressure
With this flu virus, the above is definitely postponed – the question for me is for how long.
Although I think in light of the continued pollution in Bangkok, the pathetic response to the flu virus, a continued weak economy leads to further pressure mounting on this rather useless government. The military should’ve left after 1-2 years. They’re doing a marvelous job at proving how incompetent they are at managing a country.