Market Update 09/12
And the market is -ve YTD. Done.
The only sector that has me interested for the next 2-3 years would be the commodity related space. Globally banks are (or have been) reducing financing to oil and coal firms…limited new supply…continued demand increase…dare I say it…for the first time since 2006 BANPU may actually look interesting.

Bo Stenberg
One commodity in very high demand now is palm oil–price spike in progress. You would think…. But no, UVAN and CPI–nothing, not a sausage. Meanwhile, BAY’s crystal ball shows 29.20 on the dollar next year. And someone has suggested deleting gold (19%) from the massive trade surplus. (The dollar surge last week…incredibly the PRC still want dollars for off-budget once-in-a-lifetime deals.) The hollowing out continues.
Malaysia has better options for palm-oil plays
I’m still of the viewpoint that we are going to see commodities perform well over the next 1-3 years. (ha! watch me just give myself some leeway with a forecast)