1. Lots of reasons hiven why the SET has performed so horrible….What is never mentioned are Thai broker behavior

    Its been amply demonstrated that if trading vs. investing is mostly promoted then most retail investors will lose-out over time. Only to leave with a bad experience which they then share with others -and so retail investors participation dwindles which is exactly what has happened over the past few years.
    They so end-up bad mouthing Thai stocks, when it was their often broker sanctioned/promoted strategy which was poor. What is sad is that there are many quality companies which pay 10 to 15 times or more in yearly dividend yields, as compared to bank saving accounts. Investor bargains which go begging -yet too rarely advocated by the “churn and burn” practices commission eager brokers which openly and/or indirectly push this as their modus operandi.
    Year 2024 to date and well before, retail investor participation has dropped below 30% of total SET volume compared to many years ago -when it was double that. *

    Source: https://www.set.or.th/en/market/statistics/investor-type

    • Yes you’re right, and add the fact that the foreign institutions aren’t “investors” i believe 30% of that value traded are the no fee trading bots.

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