1. 555. what about Fear and Loathing at the SET ? when infrastructure income funds yielding 12% pa gross start sinking, I read that as due to market sentiment. I do not have the stats. But I expect retail and institutional investors are fleeing this market, like rats deserting a sinking ship. of course there is value in some plays, but you need c.o.n.f.i.d.e.n.c.e. I read additional relevance into most recent Senate results & the power shift it implies. Add in (i) an old man who will not let go of the power he has had; (ii) an unmentionable who does not care – and we may face another Thaitanic. Otherwise, have a great day and keep posting your invaluable insights. 😉 after 28 years, having retired here, I cannot imagine a more exciting, entertaining country to live in. God Bless Thailand and all who sail in her.

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