Market Update 28/10
It’s coming to the end of the year, in a month it’s effectively done for the year. I do wonder what the impact of the US elections is going to make on markets.
For the americans reading this, vote trump, if you’re a man and you vote for camel toe – well that says it all.
Back to Thailand – What a flip it’s been in 2024, TRUE, ADVANC and friends have kept the market buoyant, the dogs of the market are construction, petrochems and autos, what could change this? I wouldn’t be surprised to see a name like IVL +50% in 3 years.
Bank earnings are out…jesus…negative loan growth, how sad is that, on the flip side, any, any improvement, as seen with just a few announcements from the government in the past 6 months = upside, wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the case over the next 6 months…

peter satrapa-binder
hi, I just would like to ask you for your reason to recommend trump to the americans. i am not asking for the reasons one may want to vote republican – they may be several valid reasons to do so, i’ll admit that – but trump as a person?
What’s wrong with trump as a person? He’s better than kamala. better than biden, better than obama.
Policies make far more sense.
or watch them go down the facist route – just look at western europe, that’s america in the next decade if they continue down this route.
peter satrapa-binder
well, for starters, looking at some of his performances and replies/statements, they have sometimes been kinda weird.
also, some of his actions even before he went into politics did not look very kosher.
speaking about the ‘fascist route’ are your sure that america wouldn’t go down that route especially with trump?
yes, and europe does have a problem with that ‘route’ too, no doubt about that.
Which ones are weird? Compare his actions/statements vs the other 3 mentioned. It’s fascinating to observe what is published by the news and what is actually said. Everyone has a different reality.
Higher taxes, high government involvement in economy/life, social movements that I personally find ridiculous, and political lawfare that’s no different from what we observe in Thailand. It’s terrible.
Let’s see what happens…
peter satrapa-binder
2 examples of weird ones:
– several statements of his in his debate with kamala harris (for example the cat and dog eating immigrants one or the one regarding healthcare where he said to have ‘a concept…’ but without any details (and especially regarding healthcare he had announced before his 2016presidenct already that he had a better one).
– his town hall meeting with ‘ave maria etc. singing’
also, even without looking at detailed contents just listening to the tone or the ‘feelings’ of his speeches: negative, mostly stoking fears, name calling of opponents (or of anybody not being aligned with him).
kamala harris: yes, she was somewhat evasive at the debate in some instances (but that trump had been often too and in many more instances) but the tenor of her speeches is generally on the positive side. whether she would be able to do what she announced if another question of course.
i am not against conservative politicians like the Bushes or Reagan had been (even if it isn’t be my political leaning) but i believe that trump is just not good POTUS material.
Rant “She’s a drunk, except for the debate, every other public appearance, she’s a cackling drunk, imagine a drunk aunt that’s her. The policies are created by chatgpt imbeciles. In that debate it was 3 vs 1, effectively zero factchecks on what she said despite there being multiple lies.
Cats & Dogs – loved it, great internet memeing – it was all over social media before he mentioned it…perhaps 1 cat was eaten who knows.
Policies – no candidate can be clear on this until they’re in. Just promises.
He creates a potential negative image of the country should she be elected due to policies, she straight out called him Hitler. I mean…talk about creating more unnecessary social division…
But this is all amusement & entertainment, let’s see, best thesis I’ve read is that there won’t be a definite outcome and everything will be chaotic, unless trumpy gets a landslide.
And I still want a trumpy victory. I have the hat ready.
End rant.
At the end of the day, both are social movements, found this read interesting. One side “we know best” versus “we the people” fasincating to observe.
peter satrapa-binder
in one point i have to agree: the entertainment has been great. 🙂 and thx for your link.
so let’s see who will win on november 5th. neither one of both of us will be able to influence it in any way anyway.