With politics not causing much of a ruckus does that mean investors can go back to continuing to focus upon the fundamentals as 2Q13 earnings are being released in full force as the 15th August 2013 deadline approaches. Or is this the calm before the storm as the queen’s birthday allowed a temporary respite?
PM Yingluck decides on a political reform forum to hopefully come up with a constitutional amendment, here’s an idea why not just get rid of any politician today and replace them with people that actually care about the country?
Banpu bounced up some 12% yesterday on what news though? Potential for coal prices to rebound? We aren’t too sure, plus the 2q13 numbers only came out after market at a disappointed thb 2.41/share, regardless it represented part of the markets rebound
Market volumes appear to be picking up again, no holidays here til the 23rd Oct.
MK Suki IPO’ing under the ticker (“M”) tomorrow, “kin arai kin arai kin arai pai king MK” is ringing in my head.