Stocks in the news (aot, bgrim, epg, iii, oishi, rsp, sisb, vgi) 25.11.19
AOT to sign MOU with NBTC on November 27, offering 5G commercial services at Suvarnabhumi airport in May 20, the 1st in ASEAN.
BGRIM’s Bt8b CD were fully subscribed, will use proceed to expand 3,000mw LNG powerplants in Vietnam.
EPG sees strong 3Q-4Q (Oct 19-Mar 20) on seasonal, higher efficiency and lower petrochemical price, but cuts revenue down 5-6% on strong THB, sets Bt1,450m capex for expansion and acquisition.
Comment: And I think that their margins will return to those highs of 3-4 years ago, but I have question marks on 50% of their business which comes from the auto industry.
III buys 50% of Teleport (TH) from a subsidiary of Air Asia Group, Teleport Everywhere, to expand cargo sales and other logistic service.
OISHI announced par split from Bt2 to Bt1, pays Bt2 dps, XD Dec 12.
Comment: I wonder if par splits’ will have the same impact as they used to…i.e. a share price jump as liquidity improves
RSP anticipates solid turnaround from recovery apparels & footware sales on holiday season.
SISB sees 15-20% revenue growth next year on 200 new students, mulls acquisition and JV, sets Bt300m capex for new building on Thonburi campus.
Comment: The socialist in me thinks that it is a bit disgusting that education-for-profit does so well, the capitalist in me says “charge them more!”
VGI may be added to SET50 for 1H20 as free float increase aft it sold big-lot to institutional investors, Tabloid.