Stocks in the news (asefa, cpall, erw, kbank, ktb, pr9, pttgc, samtel, scl) 04.03.25
ASEFA announced buyback, up to 20m shares (3.67% of paid-up) Bt70m budget from Mar 10 – Sept 9.
Comment: Another buyback…and not a bank – for those companies that have strong balance sheets i.e. no debt – trading cheaply…I’d expect to see more happening.
CPALL sets 2-3% SSSG this year, on 2.8% GDP growth assumption, sets Bt12-13b capex for 700 new stores in TH, mostly Standalone, 20-30 in Cambodia and 3-5 in Laos, sees solid 1Q25.
Comment: Cambodia and Laos aren’t going to move the needle in the #’s for CPALL but it does effectively give them stronger bargaining power throughout the region. At one point Thai products/brands should benefit from this exposure to other markets…
ERW’s budget hotel unit, Erawan Hop Inn, successfully registered conversion from ltd co., to public co., paving way for listing on the exchange.
Comment: Everyone knows about this….I think.
KBANK cuts MOR 25 bps to 7.09%, MRR & MLR 10 bps each to 7.08% and 7.05%, from today.
Comment: Oh hello, following in the footsteps of SCB(XxX). Can you say higher NIMs for the banks? They’re going to rebuilding the equity bases to make up for all the NPL losses and without any growth, there’s zero need for a hefty capital base and watch it be paid out as dividends…
KTB pays Bt1.545, translated to 6.7% yield from previous close price @ Bt23, XD Apr 16.
Comment: Hello divvy’s.
PR9 sets >10% revenue growth target on material rises in Middle-East and CLMV patient bases, sees yoy growth in 1Q25 as PM 2.5 and various flu types boosted OPD/IPD.
PTTGC sees turnaround this year, on cost cuts and revenue boosts by Bt4.5b, mulls exiting non-core business, sees Petrochem business bottoming out, eyes high valued business with low carbon to boost EBITDA to $300m by 2030.
SAMTEL wins procurement & maintenance contracts for utility platform from Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) valued at Bt3.127b.
SCL eyes 15% FY25 sales growth target >Bt2b, supported by healthy demand for replacement parts as consumers delayed vehicle purchase from macro uncertainty, in talks 2-3 auto makers for supplier contract, will finalize deal this year.