Stocks in the news (asian, icn, gunkul, ilink, noble, pdi, smpc, so, stgt) 05.01.21
ASIAN targets FY21 revenue growth >10%, expects wider margins >15% from factory automations & high value added products, sets Bt500m budget to invest in international food brands, expand downstream to support products distribution, will wrap up local pet food producer by end of 1Q.
Comment: Any disruption to seafood will be a net positive for ASIAN, why? same story, supply decline > demand decline.
ICN sees positive momentum on network maintenance services, mobile network expansion, CCTV & equipment sales from remote working, expects to win additional telco projects as newly appointed CEO came from SAMART, 70% of Bt1.3b backlog to realize this year, firms on 40% revenue growth target.
Comment: Nothing interesting here business wise, another ICT hardware player that says that they are software etc etc but they appear to be winning gov projects.
GUNKUL reports cod of 30mw solar projects in Malaysia on December 31,20, power sells to Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) under a 21 years PPA.
ILINK signs Bt316m transmission line projects for authority (EGAT).
Comment: It looks like players such as ILINK have finally figured out how to get projects from this government.
Reminder: NOBLE PAR split to Bt1 from 3, effective Thursday (Jan7).
PDI’s confident shareholder will vote to support its plan to acquire 51% in 2 hotels in BKK from CGD on Feb 1, supported by Bt3b cash on hand.
Comment: It helps when you’re the controlling board/shareholder on both sides of the transaction.
SMPC expects cooking gas cylinders sales jump as demand for home cooking grows on the back of pandemic, sees growth continue after up capacity by 2.5k tanks/month, eyes 15% revenue growth target.
SO upbeats on FY21 earnings from strong demand for outsourcing services as corps keen to curb costs, expects to get more contracts from banks and auto makers this year, aims to boost revenue
from private sectors from current 30% state agencies 70%.
Comment: Effectively an outsourced car/bus/truck fleet/driver service.
STGT’s par split from Bt1.00 to Bt0.50 effective today.
Mahbub Rahman
Hi, Just wondering why SET is going up during this second wave and also why not share price is going up parallel way with the SET?
Many thanks.
Because certain names are going up, not sure what else you want me to say?
Look at the weightings in the index to understand what drives it.
And I don’t understand the 2nd part of your q.