AWC’s urging government to provide incentives for overseas companies to setup their regional HQs in TH, said international tenants at its office towers account for 70%, yet there’s still room to grow. AWC currently is not interested in the proposed legal casinos or entertainment complexes.

Comment: Why? Thai Beverage already has this and pay effectively 3% corporate income tax.

BCH sees 2H turnaround after completed renovation of Kasemrat Bang Kae hospital, cod of Kasemrat Ari cancer center in 3Q (51% holding), tailwind from SSO patients, health check-up programme and new mobile dental unit (60% holding), 2 new hospitals Kasemrat Suvanabhumi (268 beds) & Kasemrat Rayong (24 beds) under construction, target cod in 2027.

KTB cuts monthly installment by 50% & lower interest rate by 1% for 6 months for clients effected by severe flood upcountry, remedy pkg cover mortgage, P-loan, SSME loan, provide fin assistance for home repairing.

THCOM’s subsidiary, IPSTAR (India) Private ltd leases out entire capacity of THCOM 8 satellite total 12 transponder to India-based satellite broadband provider, Hughes Communications India, for 10 years, estimate contribution around Bt200-400m p.a.

TNP firms on plan to add 3 supermarket branches in 2H from current 47 outlets, sees demand for drinking water, dried foods, instant meal accelerate due to flood in northern provinces.

Comment: They’re showing great NPMs, it’s 2x better than the average convenience store player in the region (yes yes I know they’re a supermarket)

TTB sees SME loan fall short of target due to slow economic recovery & stringent credit screening; P-loan & credit card shows continuous growth, keeps focus on asset quality.

Comment: One does really wonder how loan growth is going to jump start, I still point to the gov budget disbursement coming to be a key factor for better than expected #’s in 2H24

VGI teams up bank & Singapore partner to apply for virtual banking license in Sep, aims to capitalize on existing 8m subscribers of RABBIT digital payment.

Comment: Not sure who this partner is, let’s see how it unfolds.

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