Stocks in the news (banpu, bcp, cpf, mgc, ttb, tpbi) 13.03.25
BANPU’s preparing two gas-fired power plants in the US to capitalize on an upward trend in forward power price within the Texas market, which are expected to nearly double in 2025.
BCP: Capital Asia Investments cuts holding by 9% to 4.8612% on Mar 5.
Comment: Yes – but it’s been switched between the same parties.
CPF targets 5-8% FY25 revenue growth, supported by improved operation in Vietnam & China, sees no material impact from US tariff on exports as co., supplies all of meat & food products from production facilities in the country, mulls listing Vietnam unit to expand farms & productions to capture consumption on rising economic growth.
Comment: If only, if only, the governance stink that is CP wasn’t on this name and it would be trading far higher.
MGC announced buyback, up to 30m shares (2.7% of paid-up), Bt100m budget from Mar 18 till Sept 17.
Comment: Their earnings are down -50% or so since the IPO back in 2022.
TTB expects transaction of Thanachart securities M&A completed by end of Jul after AGM in Apr, planning to acquire TLeasing from TCAP before end of year, aims to keep ROE within 9-10% range.
Comment: It’s the safest place to hide.
TPBI: local fund, BBLAM, cuts holding by 0.0175% to 4.9914% on Mar 11.