Stocks in the news (banpu, bjc, demco, egco, itel, ivl, gpsc, plat, scb, spali, top) 01.03.19
BANPU sets 48m tons coal sales target this year, $835m capex for FY19-20, while BPP, its power unit, to COD pp in Japan and China worth combined 114.2MW, to wrap up 80MW wind pp phase 1 in Vietnam by 1Q19.
BJC sees positive SSSG from recovery consumptions and government stimulus package, will open 1st BIGC hypermarket in Cambodia in 3Q, mulls to expand in Vietnam, Malaysia and Laos.
Comment: A discussion with an industry insider led me to understand that massive rebates are possible in the retail industry i.e. if typically BIGC may only make 10% on products sold but if targets are hit they may reach 15-20% at the year end, now my question for groups such as BJC/BIGC is where is this booked?
DEMCO to book 90% of its Bt2.412b backlog within this year, started fixing the remaining 26 wind turbine on Feb 18 and to finish by 3Q19, to expand in CLMV.
Comment: And then issue #1 is solved! Only 2 years delayed..
EGCO’s allocated an investment budget of Bt30b for 3 overseas projects under construction, aside from any possible further funding related to acquisition of the Paju power plant in South Korea.
ITEL anticipates record high profit this year +25% yoy above Bt2b driven by 30% recognition of Bt5.98b backlog, sees good prospect for fiber and network services from government & corporate investment, expects more projects to come when NBTC kick off 5G expansion.
Comment: I don’t’ see 5G happening any time soon
IVL completed acquisition of airbag yarns biz in GER & MEX, UTT Beteiligungsgesellschaft.
Comment: Cookie munster!
GPSC’s confident of wrapping up acquisition of GLOW by end of-March, before tendering and raising capital in 3-4Q.
PLAT upbeat 1Q earnings following debut of The Market BKK mall, expects big jumps this year.
SCB target new credit card subscribers topped 500k +20% yoy tally total to 3m, target spending +25% yoy above Bt370b from Bt300b FY18, add more promo in F&B, travel & shopping to capture young spenders.
SPALI target 5 projects worth Bt15b in 1Q19, with 4 within March, confident of Bt28b revenue, Bt13.4b of Bt42.5b to book this year.
Comment: Watch this firm, if even they fail with their real estate sales then you know the industry is screwed.
TOP expects demand for diesel this year increase from International Maritime Organization (IMO) bunker fuel rule to reduce sulfer, sees bottom out GRM 1Q, reaffirms solid turnaround this year.
Pon, why was Demco expensing the foundation costs in 4Q in their latest MDA disclosure? Any ideas from the Opp day? Was this preperation expenses or material prepurchases.
No idea. I suppose we will learn more at their opp day.