Stocks in the news (banpu, bri, egco, jmart, jsp, leo, noble, tu, wice, xpg) 04.03.22
BANPU invests Bt466m (US$14.5m) in 49.04% stake of VN renewable operator & developer, Solar Esco Joint Stock co., exiting capacity 20.4mw & 106mw in pipeline, transaction to complete by 2Q22.
Comment: Oh jesus….well I hope that the government subsidy is amazing.
BRI sees strong 1Q, after Bt1.5b 2M22 presales, account for 14% of Bt11b FY22 target, Bt1.204b backlog to book in 1H22.
EGCO sets Bt150b 5 year capex, to expand renewable energy in the US, explore hydrogen PP.
JMART’s firm on 50% annual growth until 2024, boosted by KBJ Capital and J Mobile, while jv between JMT and SINGER continues high growth.
Comment: Who’s going to bet against Adisak and friends?
JSP: SENA raised holding by 11.1904% to 35.3476% of total outstanding on Tuesday (Mar 1).
Comment: SENA has been making steady strides over the past decade, from a small/mid tier developer to partnership with Japanese developers in condominium projects and now acquiring land assets via a plc and doing warehouses.
LEO said solid 1Q to help boost FY22 rev by 35% yoy, reaffirms 30-35% revenue growth target, sets Bt400-500m capex for 2-3 M&A deals.
Comment: Scale is quickly becoming key, a smaller player like LEO has to ramp acquisitions.
NOBLE reports 2M22 sales topped Bt5.5b supported by 5 new launched projects, firms on Bt28b FY sales target, Bt13b FY transfer, Bt6b out of Bt10b backlog to realize this year.
TU expects 2022 sales to grow 4-5% yoy, to invest Bt6b in new projects, automation and production efficiency, GM is forecast at 18%-18.5%, vs 18.2% in 4Q, to list its petcare business i-Tail in 3Q
Comment: For this co, its all margin driven, nothing special in topline growth.
WICE upbeats 1Q earnings from strong seafreight revenue, tailwind from new launch Road-Rail transport service, target >3k trips by end of year, will list cross-border transport subsidiary, Euroasia Total Logistics (ETL), on MAI this year.
Comment: They’ll continue to benefit as long as these lockdowns are active.
XPG to start digital asset brokerage and dealing business in 2Q to tap local investors’ rising demand. It recovered 4 licenses on cryptocurrency broker, digital token brokerage, cryptocurrency dealer, and digital token dealer.
Comment: The story hasn’t changed, its just a question mark on the execution and the market appetite in Thailand in now.
ref………Comment: Who’s going to bet against Adisak and friends?
The answer ‘Simply Wall Street’ the stock analyst in Australia. They say the stock is overvalued and retreating into [some] cash today I sold it.
haven’t looked at that site for years, thanks for the refresher.