Stocks in the news (bjc, chayo, dohome, mitsib, prm, tasco, upoic) 14.09.20
BJC maintained 240 mini BigC stores opening target, will open 2 BigC hypermarket before end of year, seeks to expand food & pharma to capture demand for health conscious consumers, will revamp foodcourt and commercial areas to boost recurring income.
CHAYO upbeats 2H earnings from debt collection service, call center & telesales business, in talk to buy NPL from finance institution total Bt19b, eyes 20% revenue growth target.
Comment: There’s a wholeeee lotta debt hitting the markets over the next 6-18 months, for CHAYO it shall just be a question of how much they buy and at what price. Note they comment that they target a cost of 3% of notional value.
DOHOME sees positive SSSG 2H20 from improving econ activities, mull to increase revenue from house brand products to 20% by end of FY22, will open 1 store in Rayong before end of year and 4 branches in FY21.
Comment: I’m noticing that there is more daily traffic at their stores, stealing market share from HMPRO, GLOBAL, Thai Watsuda.
MITSIB branches out from taxi hire-purchase to consumer lending, aiming to expand loanbook to Bt400m from current Bt80m by eo-FY21, in talk 2-3 ad agencies to expand taxi-ad, finalize deal 1H21.
PRM sees marginal impact from potential cancellation of FSU contract from
TASCO as current contract is 1 VLCC (Very Large Crude Carrier) 300k DWT from total 8 vessels of its type, no issue finding replacement from healthy demand.
Comment: It’s 4% of their revenues.
TASCO will temporarily shut down its asphalt refinery in Kemaman, Malayssia, whose feedstock is 90% sourced from Venezuela and produces half of its asphalt supply, due to a threat of US sanction for continuing business with Venezuela.
Comment: Basically their business reduces by 1/2 in volume and perhaps more in terms of margins.
UPOIC allots Bt60m to debottleneck palm oil capacity as government biodiesel campaign driven demand, firms on 20% sales growth target.