Stocks in the news (cho, ck, egco, eforl, hemraj, hmpro, ifec, qtc, singer, sport, syntec, tcmc, thani, tks, tpoly) 28.09.15
CHO expects to sign NGV bus contract, worth Bt1.735mn in mid-October. It expects to bid for more electric bus projects. It maintains 2015 revenue growth of 10% with Bt600bn backlog. (Khao Hoon, 28/09/15)
Comment: Again wonderfully positioned to benefit from this NGV bus , BUT post these sales earnings will decline to what they normally are.
CK says it is ready for upcoming mega projects valued at Bt200bn which is expected to be approved by the cabinet soon. It expects the M&A between BECL and BMCL to be done after the PPP Act has been approved. (Thun Hoon, 28/09/15)
Comment: Every contractor is loving these mega projects and in reality there isn’t a capacity constraint.
EGCO expects 2H5 earnings to be better than 1H15. It expects 2015 net profit to be close to 2014’s Bt7.7bn. It plans to construct more 6-7 projects, 1,700MW in capacity from the existing 3,700MW. It targets capacity of 5,000MW in 2019. (Khao Hoon, 28/06/15)
EFORL expects 2H15 to turn around on the back of large orders, decreasing cost, and extra gain from selling WCIH shares. It expects 2015 net profit of Bt255mn. (Khao Hoon, 28/09/15)
HEMRAJ expects land sales to grow aided by super cluster projects. It expects entrepreneur to accelerate investment project in order to grant the right from BOI. (Khao Hoon, 28/09/15)
Comment: Again the only reason to hold HEMRAJ is the dividend payout and the merger into WHA
HMPRO expects sales to increase in 4Q15 after floods in the east. It plans to open new branches. It expects MegaHome to show a net profit in 3Q15. (Khao Hoon, 28/09/15)
IFEC has postponed startup of a 10,000MW wind power plant at Pak Phanang from September 25 to end of October because transmission system is not ready. It is confident this problem will not effect its PPA. (Khao Hoon, 28/09/15)
QTC expects 2H15 performance to be the best ever backed by Bt550mn in backlog. It plans to bid for both private and public projects. It plans to broaden its customer base. It expects 2015 revenue to grow 30%. (Thun Hoon, 28/09/15)
Comment: Positive news, means that the government is actually spending money again
SINGER is talking to a prospective partner to increase its distribution channels, which is expected to be finalized in 4Q15 or at the beginning of 2016. It plans to launch a new strategy to increase 2H15 sales. It expects 2015 revenue to grow 5-10%. (Thun Hoon, 28/09/15)
Comment: Well with JMART they already have an existing distribution channel
SPORT expects ITS performance to turn around after restructuring. It plans to list its television business to REITs in 3Q15. It expects to pay dividend next year. (Thun Hoon, 28/09/15)
Foreign investors (Singapore, US, UK) are interested in buying SYNTEC shares because of its growth. Its work on hand is Bt15bn which is expected to raise net profit. (Thun Hoon, 28/09/15)
TCMC expects to engage in takeovers to raise profit and ensure sustainable growth. It targets revenue of Bt10bn within three years. It expects 2015 revenue to be good backed by Alston and Suminoe. It expects 4Q15 earnings to be supported by seasonality in carpet business. (Thun Hoon, 28/09/15)
THANI expects the leasing business to turn around aided by government stimulus measures and growth in logistics. It expects loans to achieve targets of Bt14-15bn. It expects loan portfolio of Bt30bn. (Thun Hoon, 28/09/15)
Comment: THANI vs ASK is always the question people ask, ASK seems to be the better performer over the years.
TKS plans to expand to Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar. It expects to do a deal in Myanmar soon. It expects 2H15 earnings to be better than 1H15 aided by numerous orders. It revised down 2015 revenue target from Bt1.7 because of project delays. (Thun Hoon, 28/09/15)
TPOLY is talking to a prospective Chinese partner to bid for a portion of the dual track projects. It expects to sign Bt900mn in new projects in 4Q15. Its backlog is Bt6bn. (Khao Hoon, 28/09/15)
Comment: Plus they hold 50% of TPCH