Stocks in the news (major, sat, tasco, tta, tu) 18.03.20
MAJOR to temporary shut all its cinemas in Thailand, Cambodia and Laos, from 18-31 March.
Comment: Another name that can double over the next 2 years.
SAT sees 7-10% fall in sales this year, to emphasize on oversea markets and new product lines.
Comment: Autos are dead.
TASCO reaffirms big jump 1Q as asphalt sales margins widen from retreating oil price, postponed China shipment Feb/March to resume from 2Q, tailwind from local infra expansion to boost earnings.
Comment: Their 1Q20 margins are going through the roof!
TTA mulls cutting revenue growth from previous target of 10-15% and capex from Bt1,500-2,000m, and share buy-back.
Comment: I hate share buy-back’s
TU: Social Security Office raised holding by 0.0251% of total o/s to 5.0141% last Friday (Mar 13), SEC filing.