AOT ceases inbound duty free shop operation at SIA, DMK, CNX, HKT & HDY effective Aug 1. Comment: Well…this is going to be annoying for those that usually buy perfume, alcohol, chocolate and cigarettes before coming back into Thailand…I used to be one of these types of shoppers… EA: Chatchaval Jiaravanon, part of billionaire family […]

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BTS to receive Bt22b overdue debts owed by BMA & Krungthep Thanakom (KT) from operate & maintain on 2 Green line extensions as ordered by Supreme Admin Court, BMA is expected to pay the sum asap to avoid extra interest charges. Comment: This was announced a while ago…why the rinse & repeat in the news? […]

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Holiday after holiday after holiday which months of the year does Thailand not have a holiday anymore… Back to markets…earnings times…donkeys like SCB continue to struggle…other banks seem to be ok..and the USDTHB is strengthening…a few more decent #’s + continued strengthening..could we see the SET being flat, if not even up by year […]

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